
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We found Elvis!! He agreed to be photographed with Rick and Bob. He thought it would make him look more alive.
This is Bob and Rick looking very western downtownNashville. I think this was at Charlie Daniels Museum

Downtown Nashville. It was pretty cold that day.
Diane and Bob in their Dining room. We had just celebrated Grandma Hands Birthday
This is Diane's kitchen and great room.These pictures don't do justice to their beautiful home
Bob looking pretty dashing. Downtown Nashville
Rick coming downstairs at Diane And Bobs house There are 3 bedrooms 2 baths a laundry room and family room upstairs
This is a picture of the batman building where Bob was working at the time. He has since moved closer to home.
My favorite thing was shopping for Crystal and mom at coldwater creek
Me and Rick at Diane and Bobs

This is a beautiful sunset in North Carolina the night before we left to go to Tennessee
Diane working in her beautiful kitchen. She was making us a smoothee
I cant remember where this was taken. But , I know we were having a great time with Crystal
This was taken on Sunday before church.
Last the best of all the game. All the Girls in pink hats downtown Nashville.

I sure hope I find our other pictures of Tennesse. This will give you a idea of Diane and Bob's house. These pictures don't do justice to how beautiful it is. We had such a great time with them .Maybe Diane and Bob could post some pictures of the front of their home. I don't know why I didn't take that one. Crystal has been home now for 4 months and is adjusting pretty well . She has a job at Deseret Mutual working with investments. Its been great to have her back.


Diane said...

Great pictures...I especially like the one of my four chins! We did have a great time together! Remember the freezing rain storm and Patti and I hoping that church would be cancelled? Fun memories!

Diane said...

P.S. If you look back on my blog, you can see some pictures of the inside and outside of the house. I posted them previously for the kids to see my dreaded red sofa.

Alinde said...


I love the Pictures. Diane I love your house! I can't believe how big and beautiful it looks. Not that you wouldn't have a beautiful house.......(Open mouth and take foot out) Sorry....(smile) I didn't mean it like that. (smile)

I love your hair mom! It's really pretty. and I love the third to last picture of mom, dad, and Crystal. How cute! Crys your a pretty lady. (smile)
Love ya,

Alinde said...

By-the-way I love the Elvis Photo with Dad and Bob, It was so nice of Elvis to allow his photo taken. I also love the photo with Dad and Bob in the jackets and Hats....GREAT LOOK! I hope you bought the outfit!

Crowther said...

I haven't seen some of these pics. Dad and Bob should've flip their collars up in the Elvis photo:) Nice Pics

Unknown said...

My favorite was the one with the pink hats...I hope you all bought those to wear at all the future family gatherings! Fun blog!

Kimberly said...

It was so fun to see the pictures from that trip! Next time my dad needs to pick a hat that fits his head right. By the way, a family reunion sounds like a great idea...we are totally up for it!

Grandma Hand said...

Penni I really am impressed with the pictures that you have put on your blogwagon. That was a fun trip and I just loved Diane's how. I love your house and the way you have decorated.

Michael said...

I wish I had been there with you. It looks like you were in Puckett's in that one picture. Did my mom tell you about how we got lost looking for Puckett's? It was quite the ordeal, but after driving around for an hour and a half and passing through the middle of no where we made it!

Unknown said...

I agree that a family reunion sounds like a great idea. By the way...as of right now, Joe and I don't have any plans for the 4th (that I know of or can think of...I'm quickly losing brain cells with this pregnancy). What are you guys doing?

Grandma Hand said...

I really think we need the pink hats.